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Laziness is a feeling where a person will be reluctant to do something because in his mind already has a negative assessment or lack of desire to do so, while boredom is a feeling that arises as a result of a repetitive routine.

The spirit will fade if the feeling of laziness and boredom hits which causes our performance at work to be not optimal. will fade if the feeling of laziness and boredom hits which causes our performance at work to be not optimal.

 Plus, in a pandemic atmosphere that requires forcibly undergoing health protocols, as a result, many of them feel bored because they have been adapting to this new habit for a long time.

 Here are some tips to get rid of your boredom during this pandemic:

 1. Looking for New Things

You can try to find activities that can make you happy. Just do light things like reading, exercising, watching, gardening, watering plants, and so on.

 2. Gather with Family

 Humans are social creatures who cannot live alone forever. For that, make a regular schedule to gather with family and share joy.

 3. Had a Hobby

 If you have more time at home at this time, start to be creative by doing creative things it's time you took the time to do something you love, now is the time for you to do hobbies as you please so that this positive thing can make your brain grow.

 4. Stay Happy

Whatever is happening right now, don't forget to be happy. Especially if you can share that happiness. Start sharing stories with friends who were previously difficult to contact because of busyness.

 5. Sharing and Caring

Keep sharing with others. Because by sharing you will feel happier and your life will feel more useful. Remember there are many people out there who are more difficult and needy than you.

Start eliminating the feeling of laziness to avoid negligence and lack of focus. go to the site to find more solutions if your laziness arises because of boredom at work.
